Services and Functions

Major Functions of WAQF:

The Wakf Act 1995 has conferred many powers and functions upon the board. The various functions are listed below:

  • To maintain a record containing information relating to the origin, income, object and beneficiaries of every Waqf
  • To ensure that the income and other properties of the Waqfs are applied to the objects and for the purposes for which such Waqfs was created or intended
  • To give directions for the administration of the Waqf
  • To settle scheme of management for Waqfs
  • To scrutinize and approve the Budget submitted by Muthawallis and to arrange for the auditing of the accounts of the Waqfs
  • To appoint and remove Muthawallis in accordance with the provisions of the Wakf Act 1995
  • To take measures for the recovery of the lost properties of any Waqf
  • To institute and defend suits and proceedings in a court of Law relating to Waqfs, and its properties
  • To sanction sale, lease, mortgage or exchange of Waqf properties according to the provisions of the Wakf Act 1995
  • To administer the Waqf fund
  • To call for such returns, statistics, accounts and other information’s from the Muthawallis with respect to the Waqf information’s from the board may require time to time
  • To inspect or cause inspection of Waqf properties, accounts or records or deeds and documents relating there to
  • To investigate and determine the nature and extent of Waqfs and Waqf property and to cause whenever necessary for the survey of Waqf properties
  • To do generally all such acts as may be necessary for the due control, maintenance and administration of Waqfs